Here are the tables of contents of some of the GPU Pro and GPU Zen books we have in our lab. You can use Ctrl+F to find keywords you are interested in from the article titles. For more info, you can check out the official GPU Pro and GPU Zen pages.
GPU Pro (2010)

- Mathematics
- GPU Color quantization by Chi Sing Leung, Tze-Yui Ho and Yi Xiao
- Visualize Your Shadow Map Techniques by Fan Zhang, Chong Zhao and Adrian Egli
- Geometry Manipulation
- As-Simple-As Possible Tessellation for Interactive Applications by Tamy Boubekeur
- Rule-based Geometry Synthesis in Real-time by Milan Magdics and Gergely Klar
- GPU-based NURBS Geometry Evaluation and Rendering by Graham Hemingway
- Polygonal-Functional Hybrids for Computer Animation and Games by D. Kravtsov, O. Fryazinov, V. Adzhiev, A. Pasko, P. Comninos
- Rendering Techniques
- Quad-tree Displacement Mapping with Height Blending by Michał Drobot
- NPR effects using the Geometry Shader by Pedro Hermosilla and Pere-Pau Vazquez
- Alpha Blending as a Post-Process by Benjamin Hathaway
- Virtual Texture Mapping 101 by Matthaus G. Chajdas, Christian Eisenacher, Marc Stamminger, Sylvain Lefebvre
- Volume Decals by Emil Persson
- Global Illumination
- Fast, Stencil-Based Multiresolution Splatting for Indirect Illumination by Chris Wyman, Greg Nichols and Jeremy Shopf
- Screen-Space Directional Occlusion by Thorsten Grosch and Tobias Ritschel
- Real-time multi-bounce ray-tracing with geometry impostors by Peter Dancsik and Laszlo Szecsi
- Image Space
- Anisotropic Kuwahara Filtering on the GPU by Jan Eric Kyprianidis, Henry Kang and Jürgen Döllner
- Edge Anti-aliasing by Post-Processing by Hugh Malan
- Environment Mapping with Floyd-Steinberg Halftoning by Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos, Laszlo Szecsi, and Anton Penzov
- Hierarchical Item Buffers for Granular Occlusion Culling by Thomas Engelhardt and Carsten Dachsbacher
- Realistic Depth-of-Field in Post-Production by David Illes and Peter Horvath
- Real-Time Screen Space Cloud Lighting by Kaori Kubota
- Screen-Space Subsurface Scattering by Jorge Jimenez and Diego Gutierrez
- Handheld Devices
- Migration to OpenGL ES 2.0 by Ken Catterall
- Touchscreen-based user interaction by Andrea Bizzotto
- iPhone 3GS Graphics Development and Optimization Strategies by Andrew Senior
- Optimizing a 3D UI Engine for Mobile Devices by Hyunwoo Ki
- Shadows
- Fast Conventional Shadow Filtering by Holger Gruen
- Hybrid Min-MaxPlane-Based by Holger Gruen
- Shadow Mapping for Omni-Directional Light Using Tetrahedron Mapping by Hung-Chien Liao
- Screen Space Soft Shadows by Jesus Gumbau, Miguel Chover and Mateu Sbert
- 3D Engine Design
- Multi-Fragment Effects on the GPU using Bucket Sort by Meng-Cheng Huang, Fang Liu, Xue-Hui Liu and En-Hua Wu
- Parallelized Light Pre-Pass Rendering with the Cell Broadband Engine™ by Steven Tovey and Stephen McAuley
- Porting code between Direct3D9 and OpenGL 2.0 by Wojciech Sterna
- Practical Thread Rendering for DirectX 9 by David Pangerl
- Game Postmortems
- Stylized Rendering in Spore by Shalin Shodhan and Andrew Willmott
- Rendering Techniques in Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood by Paweł Rohleder and Maciej Jamrozik
- Making it large, beautiful, fast and consistent – Lessons learned developing Just Cause 2 by Emil Persson
- Destructible Volumetric Terrain by Marek Rosa
- Beyond Pixels & Triangles
- Parallelized Implementation of Universal Visual Computer by Tze-Yui Ho, Ping-Man Lam and Chi-Sing Leung
- Accelerating Virtual Texturing using CUDA by Charles-Frederik Hollemeersch, Bart Pieters, Peter Lambert, and Rik Van de Walle
- Efficient Rendering of Highly Detailed Volumetric Scenes With GigaVoxels by Cyril Crassin, Fabrice Neyret, Miguel Sainz, and Elmar Eisemann
- Spatial Binning on the GPU by Christopher Oat, Joshua Barczak and Jeremy Shopf
- Real-Time Interaction between Particles and Dynamic Mesh on GPU by Vlad Alexandrov
GPU Pro 2 (2011)

- Geometry Manipulation
- Terrain and Ocean Rendering with Hardware Tesselation by Xavier Bonaventura
- Practical and Realistic Facial Wrinkles Animation by Jorge Jimenez, Jose I. Echevarria, Christopher Oat and Diego Gutierrez
- Procedural Content Generation on GPU by Aleksander Netzel and Pawel Rohleder
- Rendering Techniques
- Pre-Integrated Skin Shading by Eric Penner and George Borshukov
- Implementing Fur in Deferred Shading by Donald Revie
- Large-scale terrain rendering for outdoor games by Ferenc Pintér
- Practical Morphological Anti-Aliasing by Jorge Jimenez, Belen Masia, Jose I. Echevarria, Fernando Navarro and Diego Gutierrez
- Volume Decals by Emil Persson
- Global Illumination
- Temporal Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion by Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer and Michael Wimmer
- Level-of-Detail and Streaming Optimized Irradiance Normal Mapping by Ralf Habel, Anders Nilsson and Michael Wimmer
- Real-Time One-bounce Indirect Illumination and Indirect Shadows using Ray-Tracing by Holger Gruen
- Real-Time Approximation of Light Transport in Translucent Homogenous Media by Colin Barré-Brisebois and Marc Bouchard
- Real-time diffuse Global Illumination with Temporally Coherent Light Propagation Volumes by Anton Kaplanyan, Wolfgang Engel and Carsten Dachsbacher
- Shadows
- Variance Shadow Maps Light-Bleeding Reduction Tricks by Wojciech Sterna
- Fast Soft Shadows via Adaptive Shadow Maps by Pavlo Turchyn
- Adaptive Volumetric Shadow Maps by Marco Salvi, Kiril Vidimče, Andrew Lauritzen, Aaron Lefohn, Matt Pharr
- Fast Soft Shadows with Temporal Coherence by Daniel Scherzer, Michael Schwä rzler and Oliver Mattausch
- MipMapped Screen Space Soft Shadows by Alberto Aguado and Eugenia Montiel
- Handheld Devices
- A Shader-Based E-Book Renderer by Andrea Bizzotto
- Post-Processing Effects on Mobile Devices by Marco Weber and Peter Quayle
- Shader Based Water Effects by Joe Davis and Ken Catterall
- 3D Engine Design
- Practical, Dynamic Visibility for Games by Stephen Hill and Daniel Collin
- Shader Amortization using Pixel Quad Message Passing by Eric Penner
- A Rendering Pipeline for Real-time Crowds by Benjamín Hernández and Isaac Rudomin
- 2D Distance Field Generation with the GPU by Philip Rideout
- Order-Independent Transparency Using Per-Pixel Linked Lists in DirectX 11 by Nicolas Thibieroz
- Simple and Fast Fluid Flow Simulation on the GPU by Martin Guay, Fabrice Colin and Richard Egli
- A Fast Poisson Solver for OpenCL using Multigrid Methods by Sebastien Noury, Samuel Boivin and Olivier Le Maître
GPU Pro 3 (2012)

- Geometry Manipulation (Wolfgang Engel)
- Vertex Shader Tesselatin by Holger Gruen
- Real-time Deformable Terrain Rendering by Egor Yusov
- Optimized Stadium Crowd Rendering by Alan Chambers
- Geometric Anti-Aliasing Methods by Emil Persson
- Rendering (Christopher Oat)
- Practical Elliptical Texture Filtering by Pavlos Mavridis and Georgios Papaioannou
- An Approximation to the Chapman Grazing-Incidence Function for Atmospheric Scattering by Christian Schüler
- Volumetric Real-Time Water and Foam Rendering by Daniel Scherzer, Florian Bagar and Oliver Mattausch
- CryENGINE 3 by Tiago Sousa, Nick Kasyan, and Nicolas Schulz
- Inexpensive Anti-Aliasing of Simple Objects by Mikkel Gjol and Mark Gjol
- Global Illumination Effects (Carsten Dachsbacher)
- Ray-traced Approximate Reflections Using a Grid of Oriented Splats by Holger Gruen
- Screen-space Bent Cones: A Practical Approach by Oliver Klehm, Tobias Ritschel, Elmar Eisemann, Hans-Peter Seidel
- Real-time Near-field Global Illumination based on a Voxel Model by Sinje Thiedemann, Niklas Henrich, Thorsten Grosch, Stefan Mueller
- Shadows (Wolfgang Engel)
- Efficient Online Visibility for Shadow Maps by Oliver Mattausch, Jiri Bittner, Ari Silvnennoinen, Daniel Scherzer and Michael Wimmer
- Depth Rejected Gobo Shadows by John White
- 3D Engine Design (Wessam Bahnassi)
- Z3 Culling by Pascal Gautron, Jean-Eudes Marvie and Gaël Sourimant
- Quaternion-based rendering pipeline by Dzmitry Malyshau
- Implementing a Directionally Adaptive Edge AA Filter using DirectX 11 by Matthew Johnson
- Designing a Data-Driven Renderer by Donal Revie
- GPGPU (Sebastien St-Laurent)
- Volumetric transparency with Per-Pixel Fragment Lists” by Laszlo Szecsi, Pal Barta and Balazs Kovacs
- Practical Binary Surface and Solid Voxelization with Direct3D 11 by Michael Schwarz
- Interactive Ray Tracing Using the Compute Shader in DirectX 11 by Arturo Garca, Francisco Avila, Sergio Murgua and Leo Reyes
GPU Pro 4 (2013)

- Geometry Manipulation (Wolfgang Engel)
- GPU Terrain Subdivision and Tessellation by Benjamin Mistal
- Introducing the Programmable Vertex Pulling Rendering Pipeline by Christophe Riccio and Sean Lilley
- A WebGL Globe Rendering Pipeline by Patrick Cozzi and Daniel Bagnell
- Rendering (Christopher Oat and Carsten Dachsbacher)
- Practical Planar Reflections using Cubemaps and Image Proxies by Sébastien Lagarde and Antoine Zanuttini
- Real-Time Ptex and Vector Displacement by Karl Hillesland
- Decoupled Deferred Shading on the GPU by Gábor Liktor and Carsten Dachsbacher
- Tiled Forward Shading by Markus Billeter, Ola Olsson, and Ulf Assarsson
- Forward+: A Step Toward Film-Style Shading in Real Time by Takahiro Harada, Jay McKee, and Jason C. Yang
- Progressive Screen-Space Multi-Channel Surface Voxelization by Athanasios Gaitatzes and Georgios Papaioannou
- Rasterized Voxel-Based Dynamic Global Illumination by Hawar Doghramachi
- Image Space (Michal Valient)
- The `Skylands’ Depth-of-Field Shader by Michael Bukowski, Padraic Hennessy, Brian Osman, and Morgan McGuire
- Simulating Partial Occlusion in Post-Processing Depth-of-Field Methods by David C. Schedl and Michael Wimmer
- Second-Depth Anti-Aliasing by Emil Persson
- Practical Frame Buffer Compression by Pavlos Mavridis and Georgios Papaioannou
- Coherence-Enhancing Filtering on the GPU by Jan Eric Kyprianidis and Henry Kang
- Shadows (Wolfgang Engel)
- Real-Time Deep Shadow Maps by René Fürst, Oliver Mattausch, and Daniel Scherzer
- Game Engine Design (Wessam Bahnassi, editor)
- An Aspect-Based Engine Architecture by Donald Review
- Kinect Programming with Direct3D 11 by Jason Zink
- A Pipeline for Authored Structural Damage by Homam Bahnassi and Wessam Bahnassi
- GPGPU (Sebastien St-Laurent)
- Bit-Trail Traversal for Stackless LBVH on DirectCompute by Sergio Murguía, Francisco Ávila, Leo Reyes, and Arturo García
- Real-Time JPEG Compression using DirectCompute by Stefan Petersson
GPU Pro 5 (2014)

- Rendering (Carsten Dachsbacher)
- Per-pixel lists for Single Pass A-Buffer by Sylvain Lefebvre, Samuel Hornus and Anass Lasram
- Reducing Texture Memory Usage by 2-Channel Color Encoding by Krzysztof Kluczek
- GPU-accelerated Interactive Material Aging by Tobias Günther, Kai Rohmer, and Thorsten Grosch
- Simple Rasterization-Based Liquids by Martin Guay
- Lighting (Michal Valient)
- Physically Based Area Lights by Michal Drobot
- High Performance Outdoor Light Scattering using Epipolar Sampling by Egor Yusov
- Volumetric Light Effects in Killzone Shadow Fall by Nathan Vos
- Hi-Z Screen-Space Cone-Traced Reflections by Yasin Uludag
- TressFX – Advanced Real-Time Hair Rendering by Timothy Martin, Wolfgang Engel, Nicolas Thibieroz, Jason Yang and Jason Lacroix
- Wire Anti-Aliasing by Emil Persson
- Image Space (Christopher Oat)
- Screen Space Grass by David Pangerl
- Screen Space Deformable Meshes via CSG with Per-Pixel Linked Lists by João Raza and Gustavo Nunes
- Bokeh Effects on the SPU by Serge Bernier
- Mobile Devices (Marius Bjørge)
- Realistic Real-Time Skin Rendering on Mobile by Renaldas Zioma and Ole Ciliox
- Deferred Rendering Techniques on Mobile Devices by Ashley Vaughan Smith
- Bandwidth Efficient Graphics with ARM Mali GPUs by Marius Bjørge
- Efficient Morph Target Animation using OpenGL ES 3.0 by James Lewis Jones
- Tiled Deferred Blending by Ramses Ladlani
- Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression by Stacy Smith
- Optimising OpenCL kernels for the ARM Mali-T600 GPUs by Johan Gronqvist and Anton Lokhmotov
- 3D Engine Design (Wessam Bahnassi)
- Quaternions Revisited by Peter Sikachev, Vladimir Egorov and Sergey Makeev
- glTF: Designing an Open-Standard Runtime Asset Format by Fabrice Robinet, Rémi Arnaud, Tony Parisi, and Patrick Cozzi
- Managing Transformations in Hierarchy by Bartosz Chodorowski and Wojciech Sterna
- Compute (Wolfgang Engel)
- Hair Simulation in TressFX by Dongsoo Han
- Object-Order Ray Tracing for Fully Dynamic Scenes by Tobias Zirr, Hauke Rehfeld and Carsten Dachsbacher
- Quadtrees on the GPU by Jonathan Dupuy, Jean-Claude Iehl, and Pierre Poulin
- Two-level Constraint Solver by Takahiro Harada
- Non-Separable 2D, 3D and 4D Filtering with Cuda by Anders Eklund and Paul Dufort
GPU Pro 6 (2015)

- Geometry (Wolfgang Engel)
- Dynamic GPU Terrain by David Pangerl
- Bandwidth Efficient Procedural Meshes in the GPU via Tessellation by Gustavo Bastos Nunes and João Lucas Guberman Raza
- Real-Time Deformation of Subdivision Surfaces on Object Collisions by Henry Schaefer, Matthias Nießner, Benjamin Keinert and Marc Stamminger
- Realistic Volumetric Explosions in Games by Alex Dunn
- Rendering (Christopher Oat)
- Next-Gen Rendering in Thief by Peter Sikachev, Samuel Delmont, Uriel Doyon, and Jean-Normand Bucci
- Grass rendering and simulation with LOD by Dongsoo Han and Hongwei Li
- Hybrid Reconstruction Anti-aliasing by Michał Drobot
- Real-time Rendering of Physically-Based Clouds using Pre-computed Scattering by Egor Yusov
- Sparse Procedural Volume Rendering by Doug McNabb
- Lighting (Michal Valient)
- Real-time lighting via Light Linked List by Abdul Bezrati
- Deferred normalized irradiance probes by John Huelin, Benjamin Rouveyrol and Bartłomiej Wroński
- Volumetric fog and lighting by Bartłomiej Wroński
- Physically Based Light Probe Generation On GPU by Ivan Spogreev
- Real-time global illumination using slices by Hugh Malan
- Shadows (Wolfgang Engel)
- Practical Screen-Space Soft Shadows” by Márton Tamás and Viktor Heisenberger
- Tile-Based Omnidirectional Shadows by Hawar Doghramachi
- Shadow Map Silhouette Revectorization by Vladimir Bondarev
- Mobile Devices (Marco Bjørge)
- Hybrid Ray Tracing on a PowerVR GPU by Gareth Morgan
- Implementing a GPU-only particles collision system with ASTC 3D textures and OpenGL ES 3.0 by Daniele Di Donato
- Animated Characters with Shell Fur for Mobile Devices by Andrew Girdler and James L Jones
- High Dynamic Range Computational Photography on mobile GPUs by Simon McIntosh-Smith, Amir Chohan, Dan Curran and Anton Lokhmotov
- Compute (Carsten Dachsbacher)
- Compute-Based Tiled Culling by Jason Stewart
- Rendering Vector Displacement Mapped Surfaces in a GPU Ray Tracer by Takahiro Harada
- Smooth Probabilistic Ambient Occlusion for Volume Rendering by Thomas Kroes, Dirk Schut and Elmar Eisemann
- 3D Engine Design (Wessam Bahnassi)
- Blockwise Linear Binary Grids for Fast Ray Casting Operations by Holger Gruen
- Semantic based shader generation using Shader Shaker by Michael Delva, Julien Hamaide and Ramses Ladlani
- ANGLE: Bringing OpenGL ES to the Desktop by Shannon Woods, Nicolas Capens, Jamie Madill and Geo Lang
GPU Pro 7 (2016)

- Geometry Manipulation (Carsten Dachsbacher)
- Hardware-Tessellated Deformable Snow in Rise of the Tomb Raider by Anton Kai Michels and Peter Sikachev
- Catmull Clark Subdivision Surfaces by Wade Brainerd
- Lighting (Michal Valient)
- Clustered shading: Assigning lights using conservative rasterization in DirectX12 by Kevin Örtegren and Emil Persson
- Fine Pruned Tiled Light Lists by Morten S. Mikkelsen
- Deferred Attribute Interpolation Shading by Christoph Schied and Carsten Dachsbacher
- Real-time volumetric cloudscapes by Andrew Schneider
- Rendering (Christopher Oat)
- Adaptive Virtual Textures by Ka Chen
- Deferred Coarse Pixel Shading by Rahul P. Sathe and Tomasz Janczak
- Progressive Rendering using Multi-Frame Sampling by Daniel Limberger, Karsten Tausche, Johannes Linke, and Jürgen Döllner
- Mobile Devices (Marius Bjorge)
- Efficient Soft Shadows Based on Static Local Cube map by Sylvester Bala, Roberto Lopez Mendez
- 3D Engine Design (Wessam Bahnassi)
- Interactive Cinematic Particlesby Homan and Wessam Bahnassi
- Real-time BC6H compression on GPU by Krzysztof Narkowicz
- A 3D Visualization Tool used for Test Automation in the Forza Series by Gustavo Bastos Nunes
- Semi-Static Load Balancing for Low Latency Ray Tracing on Heterogeneous Multiple GPUs by Takahiro Harada
- Compute (Wolfgang Engel)
- Octree Mapping from a Depth Camera by Dave Kotfis and Patrick Cozzi
- Interactive Sparse Eulerian Fluid by Alex Dunn
GPU Zen 1 (2017)

- Geometry Manipulation (Christopher Oat)
- Attributed Vertex Clouds by Willy Scheibel, Stefan Buschmann, Matthias Trapp, and Jürgen Döllner
- Rendering Convex Occluders with Inner Conservative Rasterization by Marcus Svensson and Emil Persson
- Lighting (Carsten Dachsbacher)
- Rendering stable indirect illumination computed from reflective shadow maps by Louis Bavoil and Holger Gruen
- Real-Time Participating Media Effects Using Extruded Light Volumes by Nathan Hoobler, Andrei Tatarinov and Alex Dunn
- Rendering (Mark Chatfield)
- Deferred+: Next-Gen Culling and Rendering for Dawn Engine by Hawar Doghramachi and Jean-Normand Bucci
- Programmable per-pixel sample placement with conservative rasterizer by Rahul P. Sathe
- Mobile Toon Shading by Felipe Lira, Flavio Villalva, Jesus Sosa, Kleverson Paix~ao and Teofilo Dutra
- High Quality GPU-efficient Image Detail Manipulation by Kin-Ming Wong and Tien-Tsin Wong
- Real-Time Linear-Light Shading with Linearly Transformed Cosines by Eric Heitz and Stephen Hill
- Profiling and Optimizing WebGL Application Using Google Chrome by Gareth Morgan
- Screen-Space (Wessam Bahnassi)
- Scalable Adaptive SSAO by Filip Strugar
- Robust Screen Space Ambient Occlusion in 1 ms at 1080p on PS4 by Wojciech Sterna
- Practical Gather-based Bokeh Depth of Field by Wojciech Sterna
- Virtual Reality (Eric Haines)
- Efficient Stereo and VR Rendering by Iñigo Quilez
- Understanding, Measuring, and Analyzing VR Graphics Performance by James Hughes, Reza Nourai, and Ed Hutchins
- Compute (Wolfgang Engel)
- Optimizing the Graphics Pipeline with Compute by Graham Wihlidal
- Real Time Markov Decision Processes for Crowd Simulation by Sergio Ruiz and Benjamin Hernandez
GPU Zen 2 (2019)

- Rendering (Patrick Cozzi)
- Adaptive GPU Tessellation with Compute Shaders by Jad Khoury, Jonathan Dupuy, and Christophe Riccio
- Applying Vectorized Visibility on All frequency Direct Illumination by Ho Chun Leung, Tze Yui Ho, Zhenni Wang, Chi Sing Leung, Eric Wing Ming Wong
- Non-periodic Tiling of Noise-based Procedural Textures by Aleksandr Kirillov
- Rendering Surgery Simulation with Vulkan by Nicholas Milef, Di Qi, and Suvranu De
- Skinned Decals by Hawar Doghramachi
- Environmental Effects (Wolfgang Engel)
- Real-Time Fluid Simulation in Shadow of the Tomb Raider by Peter Sikachev, Martin Palko and Alexandre Chekroun
- Real-time Snow Deformation in Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds by Kevin Örtegren
- Shadows (Mauricio Vives)
- Soft Shadow Approximation for Dappled Light Sources by Mariano Merchante
- Parallax-Corrected Cached Shadow Maps by Pavlo Turchyn
- 3D Engine Design (Wessam Bahnassi)
- Real-Time Layered Materials Compositing Using Spatial Clustering Encoding by Sergey Makeev
- Procedural Stochastic Textures by Tiling and Blending by Thomas Deliot and Eric Heitz
- A Ray Casting Technique for Baked Texture Generation by Alain Galvan and Jeff Russell
- Writing an efficient Vulkan renderer by Arseny Kapoulkine
- glTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery by Marco Hutter
- Ray Tracing (Anton Kaplanyan)
- Real-Time Ray-Traced One-Bounce Caustics by Holger Gruen
- Adaptive Anti-Aliasing using Conservative Rasterization and GPU Ray Tracing by Rahul Sathe, Holger Gruen, Adam Marrs, Josef Spjut, Morgan McGuire, Yury Uralsky
GPU Zen 3 (2014)

- GPU-Driven Rendering (Nicolas Lopez and Wolfgang Engel)
- GPU-Driven Rendering in Assassin’s Creed Mirage by William Bussère and Nicolas Lopez
- GPU-Driven Curve Generation from Mesh Contour by Wangziwei Jiang
- GPU Readback Texture Streaming in Skull and Bones by Malte Bennewitz and Kaori Kato
- Triangle Visibility Buffer 2.0 by Manas Kulkarni and Wolfgang Engel
- Resource Management with Frame Graph in Messiah by Yuwen Wu
- Multi-mega Particle System by Nicola Palomba and Wolfgang Engel
- Rendering and Simulation (Laura Reznikov and Peter Sikachev)
- The Evolution of the Real-Time Lighting Pipeline in Cyberpunk 2077 by Jakub Knapik, Giovanni De Francesco, Dmitrii Zhdan, Edward Liu, Evgeny Makarov, Jon Kennedy, Juho Marttila, Michael Murphy, Nathan Hoobler, Tim Cheblokov, and Pawel Kozlowski
- Real-Time Ray Tracing of Large Voxel Scenes by Russel Arbore, Jeffrey Liu, Aidan Wefel, Steven Gao, and Eric Shaffer
9 Optimizing FSR 2 for Adreno by Randall Rauwendaal - Optimizing FSR 2 for Adreno by Randall Rauwendaal
- IBL-BRDF Multiple Importance Sampling for Stochastic Screen-Space Indirect Specular by Soufiane KHIAT
- Practical Clustered Forward Decals by Kirill Bazhenov
- Virtual Shadow Maps by Matej Sakmary, Jake Ryan, Justin Hall, and Alessio Lustri
- Real-Time Simulation of Massive Crowds by Tomer Weiss
- Diffuse Global Illumination by Darius Bouma
- Game Engine Design (Wessam Bahnassi)
- GPU Capability Tracking and Configuration System by Thibault Ober and Wolfgang Engel
- The Forge Shader Language by Manas Kulkarni, and Wolfgang Engel
- Simple Automatic Resource Synchronization Method for Vulkan by Grigory Javadyan
- Tools of the Trade (Kirill Bazhenov and Anton Kaplanyan)
- Differentiable Graphics with Slang.D for Appearance-Based Optimization by Yong He, Bartlomiej Wronski, Sai Bangaru, Marco Salvi, Yong He, Lifan Wu, and Jacob Munkberg
- DRToolkit: Boosting Rendering Performance Using Differentiable Rendering by Chen Qiao, Xiang Lan, Yijie Shi, Xueqiang Wang, Xilei Wei, and Jiang Qin
- Flowmap Baking with LBM-SWE by Wei Li, Haozhe Su, Zherong Pan, Xifeng Gao, Zhenyu Mao, and Kui Wu
- Animating Water Using Profile Buffer by Haozhe Su, Wei Li, Zherong Pan, Xifeng Gao, Zhenyu Mao, and Kui Wu
- Advanced Techniques for Radix Sort by Atsushi Yoshimura and Chih-Chen Kao
- Two-Pass HZB Occlusion Culling by Miloš Kruškonja
- Shader Server System by Djordje Pepic